Hey – I got up one night and my nose was very congested I called my father and asked him what could I do he told me to take Neil sinus rinse – I too
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Hey - I got up one night and my nose was very congested I called my father and asked him what could I do he told me to take Neil sinus rinse - I took it and didnt you distiled or boiled water I jut used plain tap water - this is the first time I ever used neilsinus rinse - will this harm me ?
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If you did this in the continental USA using water that is supplied by government sources, it is highly likely that you will be fine. My educated guess is that there is only a 1 in several million chance of adverse health effects. For the next time, please use previously boiled tap water or distilled water as per the instructions included with the NeilMed Sinus Rinse Kit.