Help! I have had surg on the sinuses.

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Dec 31, 2018 11:58 PM 1 Answers Travel & Saline Solution
Member Since Feb 2020
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Help! I have had surg on the sinuses. I continue to have sinus pressure causing pain with my upper teeth (left side). I go from ENT to dentist and the reserse. I cant seem to find relief. Your rinse takes some of the pressure off - but still continues. I have no idea how to get help. I have already had one infected tooth and removed. My L ear hurts and gland. Levaquin gets rid of it for about 30 days. But - I dont want to go this route - nor use vicodin for the pain. The CT is normal - but still hurts - only with the teeth. What do I do - or who do I see for this??? This seems like over kill for the pain - but by using your product I get a lot of stuff out and it is kind of green looking. I have been putting up for this for yrs. I moved from CA to FL and I am having serious constant problems now! Help - please!!!! Thank you - Susan

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Please consider seeing an ENT specialist who is specialized in SinusDiseases. They may want to call themselves "Rhinologist". Try rinsing twice a day and try two blue packets of NeilMed in 240 mL of our suggested water. You seem be to be having CRS or chronic rhinosinusitis.

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