Hello – love your products. My son is 13 and has been using the pediatric nasal sinus rinse on and off for a couple of years now. Its fabulous and wor

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Jan 01, 2019 12:05 AM 1 Answers Headache, Hypertension, Blood Pressure, Heart Disease
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Hello - love your products. My son is 13 and has been using the pediatric nasal sinus rinse on and off for a couple of years now. Its fabulous and works like a charm. He is forever getting sinusitis and has chronic nasal congestion and stuffiness. Probably wouldnt if I used your products everyday. He also has a deviated septum. My question is - should I still be using the pediatric products or can I have him use the adult products now? I am ready to reorder and I am curious.Thank You

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

I apologize for the late response. Your son is old enough for the adult products. If he is able to irrigate his nasal passages himself and can stand a longer irrigation process, then go ahead and try the adult products.

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