Hello – I think Dr. Seatons facial dips were refused a renewal licence some years ago. I found facial dip C extremely helpful. I would use a large tub
Hello - I think Dr. Seatons facial dips were refused a renewal licence some years ago. I found facial dip C extremely helpful. I would use a large tub of very very warm water with about 1 2 teaspoon salt with about an eye-dropper full of facial dip C. First I would dip my eyes in for a couple of seconds. Then several minutes of blowing bubbles with my nose. After about 1 2 hour Id have to run to the sink and about a 2 or 3 tablespoons of thick green slime would come pouring out of my nose. My nose and eyes were ever so refreshed. Especially my sinuses. I have permanent uncurable atypical facial Pain and facial dip C was a huge help. Atypical facial pain is a muscular problem. I think this clearing of the sinuses helped my muscles get enough oxygen to relax. I have been told I have very large sinuses. I suppose I could doo the same thing with just very warm water and iodized salt - but it realy was far more effecctive for me with facial dip C. Any suggestions for me please? Thanks for your attention. David

It seems very interesting. I suggest that you try NeilMed's Sinus Rinse or NeilMed's Sinugator. Please make sure to use directions precisely. I am very confident that you will show similar results.