Hello – I have been using your bottle sinus rinse product for years with great results. I decided to try the sinugator – and it seems to work well ex

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Jan 01, 2019 12:09 AM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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Hello - I have been using your bottle sinus rinse product for years with great results. I decided to try the sinugator - and it seems to work well except it leave me with a terrible - strong smell taste of sulfur. I never had that happen with the other sinus rinse product. If it continues - I wont be able to continue using it. Thank you.

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1 Answers
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Ask A Doctor
Jan 01, 2019

Sounds like we should replace your unit. Please call in and speak with Doug Spackman so we can discuss this further. The number is 1-877-477-8633.

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