Hello – I am a 41 year old female who suffers badly from chronic sinus infections which can last up to4 months. head scan shows my Sphenoid sinuses ar

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Jan 01, 2019 12:11 AM 1 Answers Ear & Eye Symptoms and Nasal Rinse
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Hello - I am a 41 year old female who suffers badly from chronic sinus infections which can last up to4 months. head scan shows my Sphenoid sinuses are totally blocked. Can the sinugator help to drain the sphenoid sinuses? I already use the netipot which helps but it cannot reach the hard to reach sphenoid sinuses. Any suggestions? Kind regards.

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Jan 01, 2019

The Sinugator will provide a better nasal wash than the neti pot. Because the neti pot is gravity flow method, it provides a more gentle rinse and therefore will not go as far back. The sinugator has a pulsatile flow, which helps dislodge mucus. The Sinus Rinse squeeze bottle has positive pressure and also provides a better rinse than the neti pot, and you can control the flow pressure by the force of your squeeze..To help get the solution farther back than the nasal passages, you should gently sniff in and try tilting your head to the side before blowing your nose. These instructions can be found in the brochure. However, it is very difficult to get an actual rinse in the sinus passages because they are sofar back.

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