Hello Dr. Mehta! I work at Kaiser and hear nothing but good things about your product. Tonight Im going to use my rinse for the 1st time. The Dr said

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Jan 01, 2019 12:09 AM 1 Answers Solution does not drain from the other side
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Hello Dr. Mehta! I work at Kaiser and hear nothing but good things about your product. Tonight Im going to use my rinse for the 1st time. The Dr said my 3 months of breathlessness is allergy related and I been missing work cause of it. Do the sinuses effect upper respiratory and will using this help my SOB? Thanks-Carlos

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Jan 01, 2019

Nasal passages, Sinuses, throat and voice box or larynx are part of the upper airway. Trachea or windpipe and lungs are part of the lower airway. Usually when one gets upper airway problem and if it lingers too long, it will cause a problem of the lower airways. Hopefully, by this time you have tried and feeling better. If not, you will need additional work up to diagnose and treat appropriately.

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