Hello Dr. Mehta – I wake up every morning because its either too hot or too cold and my sinuses are always dried out. I wake up hacking because i hav

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Jan 01, 2019 12:15 AM 1 Answers Surgery on Sinuses and Nasal Passages
Member Since Feb 2020
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Hello Dr. Mehta - I wake up every morning because its either too hot or too cold and my sinuses are always dried out. I wake up hacking because i have phlegm in my throat. Its really gross and the hacking is loud and annoying. What would you suggest i do?

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Jan 01, 2019

Are you living in a dry climate are or using indoor heat without any humidification ? Take all the measures to keep the air moist. Can use a humidifier, fill up the bath tub or sink with few inches of water so it will evaporate and offer some humidity. Did you have sinus surgery before? Feel free to call me and ask the staff to speak to me.

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