Hello. Can I use two packets of sinus rinse per squeeze bottle? I use one bottle per side – so a total of four packets per use. My post nasal drip

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Jan 01, 2019 12:06 AM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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Hello. Can I use two packets of sinus rinse per squeeze bottle? I use one bottle per side - so a total of four packets per use. My post nasal drip is terrible. I used this much last night and it helped with my cough due to PND - but is four packets to much to use per use?

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1 Answers
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Ask A Doctor
Jan 01, 2019

You are creating a hypertonic solution, which is fine. Since you use one bottle per side you may find benefit with our Extra Large Bottle Kit. The extra large bottle is 16 oz. and can only be ordered directly through us at www.neilmed.com or by calling 1-877-477-8633 to place a telephone order.

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