Hello and Thank you! I enjoy using this product. I have a sinus infection I think and it is burning when I use the Neti pot. It subsides shortly after

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Jan 01, 2019 12:08 AM 1 Answers NeilMed Products
Member Since Feb 2020
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Hello and Thank you! I enjoy using this product. I have a sinus infection I think and it is burning when I use the Neti pot. It subsides shortly after. Should I continue to use this or be worried? Thank you - Angela

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Jan 01, 2019

Generally you should not feel a burning sensation. Causes of burning include using water that is too hot or cold, not dissolving the full contents of the saline mixture in the water, or using more than one packet of solution. If the salt solution is not thoroughly mixed and the mixture is concentrated at the bottom of the neti pot, you may be starting the rinse with almost plain water and ending with a high concentration (hypertonic) solution. This could cause burning.

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