Happy hplidays for you and your family. By any chance have you treat anyone with OZENA (chronic infection of the sinus – with an ophal smell). This is

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Jan 01, 2019 12:04 AM 1 Answers NeilMed Products
Member Since Feb 2020
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Happy hplidays for you and your family. By any chance have you treat anyone with OZENA (chronic infection of the sinus - with an ophal smell). This is an old term - I have it for the last 50 years - and Ill like to see the day that someone thell me how to CURE IT. Muchas gracias. Daniel

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Jan 01, 2019

Ozena is a term designating chronic nasal infection with Klebisella Ozenae, a bacteria, which gives a chronic nasal infection with crusting, pain and nasal obstruction. This disease is most often found in the Indian continent, or occasionally in Indian immigrants in North America or Europe. Treatment is antibiotics based on culture and sensitivity (usually ampicillin) and occasional surgical debridement.Unfortunately, this term is often used indiscriminately to indicate anyone with atrophic rhinitis, where the nasal passages are excessively open, often following nasal surgery. In these instances patients can have crusts, facial pain made worse by breathing, and paradoxical nasal blockage, which is surprising given that the nose is widely open.Treatment is on a case by case basis, but includes copious nasal lubrication, and possible reduction nasal airflow by pavement of cotton balls in the opening of the nose to reduce airflow, or even surgery to partially obstruct the nose to reduce nasal airflow. A competent nose and sinus specialist (rhinologist) should be able to help determine the cause and offer some help.

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