First Time Using SinuFlo Ready Rinse
Today, I purchased a SinuFlo ReadyRinse bottle from CVS to combat sinus congestion as I’m sick. Before this, I’d only used NeilMed Sinus Rinse bottles. I used the SinuFlo ReadyRinse bottle, and my left nasal cavity has a burning sensation. I know this isn’t normal. Should I have shaken the bottle before using it? I’m assuming the mixture wasn’t adequately mixed or began to settle. Should I be concerned? I washed and disinfected the bottle afterward as the manual directs.

Dear Kirra,
SinuFlo Ready Rinse has a preservative. It is in a perfect concentration, and we do supply very large number bottles to customers. We haven’t heard this on this batch. FYI, In the presence of an underlying inflammation, you may feel those symptoms at times for a brief period. Please switch to a regular packet and mixing method. In either case, please let me know the lot number from the bottom of the bottle or a box. We will investigate. You can send the details to my personal address. Please send your address, we will do a $10 refund at the same time. Trust you are feeling better and improving.