Due to past use of steroidal sprays (Rx) combined with a bad sneezing fit – I literally blew out my septum; I perforated it. I have a NeilMed bottle I

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Jan 01, 2019 12:26 AM 1 Answers NeilMed Products
Member Since Feb 2020
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Due to past use of steroidal sprays (Rx) combined with a bad sneezing fit - I literally blew out my septum; I perforated it. I have a NeilMed bottle I use - but I have to (graphic) use my pinky in the opposite nostril to plug the septum hole while still allowing some water flow out. Is there a better way to do this?

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Jan 01, 2019

You can try taking a baby milk bottle's nipple and cut the top off and now irrigate by applying this over the black cap. It will not be a perfect fit but worth a try. You can also try NeilMed Netipot and see if it would do the job for you.

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