Dr. Mehta – my son suffers from repeated unwarranted nose bleeds. I use your squeeze bottle with the pediatric dose – but he still gets the occassiona
Dr. Mehta - my son suffers from repeated unwarranted nose bleeds. I use your squeeze bottle with the pediatric dose - but he still gets the occassional very BAD bleed. I have him use vaseline for overnight protection as we have electric heat AND I have a pot of water on the stove element to add moisture - but nothing seems to work. Do you have any oth

We do have a product called Nasogel for dry noses and it is worth a try. It is available at Walgreens, CVS, RiteAid and WalMart plus many other chains. I suggest to spray 2 sprays in each nostril 2 to 3 times a day. If the problem still continues, please visit and ENT specialist so he or she can look inside and if there is a spot that bleeds all the time, hecan cauterize. Please let me know the outcome.