Do you have a recommendation for nasal decongestion at night? I already use a sinus rinse and Fluticasone Propionate. Anything with Phenylephrine ca

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Jan 01, 2019 12:11 AM 1 Answers Ear & Eye Symptoms and Nasal Rinse
Member Since Feb 2020
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Do you have a recommendation for nasal decongestion at night? I already use a sinus rinse and Fluticasone Propionate. Anything with Phenylephrine causes sleeplessness. thank you.

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Please try our NeilMed NasoGel, it is for dry noses but somehow we have noticed that it does decongest the nose. It is not addicting. Drug Nasal decongestant are to be used no more than 2-3 days and more than that or it will create rhinitis medicamentosa. It means, if you do not use it, it will create severe nasal congestion.

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