by using Neilmed sinus rinse will water go to eustachian tube canal at all? After rinsing my sinuses I hear click and pops and diminished hearing unti

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Jan 01, 2019 12:14 AM 1 Answers General Questions
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by using Neilmed sinus rinse will water go to eustachian tube canal at all? After rinsing my sinuses I hear click and pops and diminished hearing until the water comes out throughout the day. Thanks

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Jan 01, 2019

Sometimes, if you use too much pressure or blow your nose too hard after rinsing, fluid does drain into the ears through the eustacian tube. If the fluid in the ear is from sinus rinsing, it should disappear, as you have experienced, within a short period of time. If the problem persists, please consult with your physician. You can avoid the problem by squeezing the bottle with less force and blowing your nose very gently after rinsing.

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