Blowing my nose once a day produces blood stained mucous (from one nostril). My GP prescribed your rinse followed by application of antibiotic gel.
Blowing my nose once a day produces blood stained mucous (from one nostril). My GP prescribed your rinse followed by application of antibiotic gel. After a month of this routine the symptom persists & I speculate that if there is an infection - it must be located where manual application cannot reach. Can antibiotic be added to the rinse to put it where infection may be - or can you offer a medicated rinse? (Previously I had sinusitis - surgery to expand my nasal passages - and this helped - but I still had occasional blockage. Hence the rinse recommendation.)

One can get a blood stained mucus, if one had surgery, has acute or chronic infections or is on blood thinner or using a corticosteroid sprays in the nose. I suggest that you seen the ENT doctor who operated you.