After using the sinus rinse bottle for a year or so – I thought Id get a new one. For some reason – the new bottle has a strong plasticy smell that I

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Jan 01, 2019 12:16 AM 1 Answers Ear & Eye Symptoms and Nasal Rinse
Member Since Feb 2020
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After using the sinus rinse bottle for a year or so - I thought Id get a new one. For some reason - the new bottle has a strong plasticy smell that I find really unpleasant. Could this be a defective bottle - or was the material changed? I really cant continue with this one.

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1 Answers
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Ask A Doctor
Jan 01, 2019

It is possible that the supplier may be different than your previous bottle. Please call our customer service at 1-877-477-8633 to receive further assistance.

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