the one thing still bothering me is this smelly stuff and dryness in the nostrils. what would you recommend. am still on sachets now.

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Jan 01, 2019 12:29 AM 1 Answers Water Quality and Warnings
Member Since Feb 2020
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the one thing still bothering me is this smelly stuff and dryness in the nostrils. what would you recommend. am still on sachets now.

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

In some cases, bad odor may be caused by chronic nasal and sinus disease. Sinus rinsing will improve nasal and sinus conditions, which may eliminate the problem in time. If your nasal passages are still dry after regular sinus rinsing, consider using a nasal saline spray or gel in between rinsing. We have two products that soothe and hydrate dry noses: NasaMist and NasoGel. You can learn more about them on our website.

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