Can nasal irrigation be an effective technique in reshrinking nasal ployps? I have gone to 3 diffeerent Ear nose and Throat Doctors. All 3 have differ

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Jan 01, 2019 12:13 AM 1 Answers Solution does not drain from the other side
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Can nasal irrigation be an effective technique in reshrinking nasal ployps? I have gone to 3 diffeerent Ear nose and Throat Doctors. All 3 have different opinions. One says it will make my small polyps worse - one says it will help and one says wont do anything.

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

I would recommend trying nasal irrigation. You might also want to consider talking to your physician about using a corticosteroid spray, which has been found to help nasal polyps. Corticosteroid prescription medication such as Budesonide has been shown to be effective with NeilMed nasal irrigation by several ENT specialists. Sinus rinsing will not make your condition worse.

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