How much solution packet should I use if I only want to mix a 2 ounce rinse. I just want a quick rinse daily to ward off the flu.

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Jan 01, 2019 12:24 AM 1 Answers Nasal Irrigation
Member Since Feb 2020
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How much solution packet should I use if I only want to mix a 2 ounce rinse. I just want a quick rinse daily to ward off the flu.

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Jan 01, 2019

Each packet is pre-measured to make 8 ounces of solution and it would be difficult to divide it in fourths to create 2 ounces. However, for true nasal irrigation and a thorough cleansing job, you need volume to ensure there is enough solution to flow up one nasal passage, over the septum, and down through the other nasal passage. In our opinion, you need 120 ml to 480 ml (4 to 16 oz.) for proper irrigation. A single long squeeze on NeilMed€™s SINUS RINSE„� bottle delivers up to 120 mL (4 oz.) of rinse enough for one nostril. It should only take a few seconds to rinse each nostril.

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