I used the rinse daily at about sea level and it works great. However – when I use the rinse at high altitude locations (7K feet or higher) – my nosal

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Jan 01, 2019 12:08 AM 1 Answers NeilMed Products
Member Since Feb 2020
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I used the rinse daily at about sea level and it works great. However - when I use the rinse at high altitude locations (7K feet or higher) - my nosals got irritated and have bloody mucus. Should I reduce the salt amount for the rinse?

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Jan 01, 2019

Do not reduce the amount of saline mixture as using a more diluted solution may burn or sting. The causes of nose bleeds at higher altitudes are dryer air and colder temperatures. Sinus rinsing will definitely help mediate your problem by moisturizing the nasal passages. You might use a moisturizing nasal spray in between rinsing for additional hydration. Our NasoGel spray has aloe vera in the water-based saline gel for added lubrication.

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