How many times a day may I use the Neil Med nasal rinse? I have been 3-4 times a day – have a bit of a headache – but sinuses are staying cleaned out.

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Jan 01, 2019 12:06 AM 1 Answers Electrical Pulsating Irrigator
Member Since Feb 2020
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How many times a day may I use the Neil Med nasal rinse? I have been 3-4 times a day - have a bit of a headache - but sinuses are staying cleaned out..

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Most users find that rinsing once or twice a day is beneficial. However, you can rinse up to 6 times a day if needed, though this may not provide additional benefits. If you find that 3-4 times per day is beneficial for your symptoms, that is perfectly fine. Please follow your physician's advice.

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