I have been using the Neilmed SInus Rinse bottle for about 6-weeks and bought a replacement – not realizing it came with the SinusFlo Ready Rinse. I w

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Jan 01, 2019 12:17 AM 1 Answers NeilMed Products
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I have been using the Neilmed SInus Rinse bottle for about 6-weeks and bought a replacement - not realizing it came with the SinusFlo Ready Rinse. I went ahead andtried it and immediately got a birning senation through my sinuses - a feeling of dizziness - a plastic smell that wont go away - and blurred vision. I checked before use and the seal on the container was fine. I had had some nose bleeeding prior to use but read on here that you can still use neti pot with some bleeding in the nose. The bluerred vision persists - and Im getting scared. Should I go to the eye doctor - ER - or what? Is it possible that the SinusFlo Ready Rinse was contaminated? How will I know? Im very worried.

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

The Ready Rinse contains preservative of Benzalkonium Chloride, which you may be having a reaction to. I suggest switching to the Sinus Rinse with premixed packets. These have no preservative. You should contact your physician for immediate advice.

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