I have got rhinitis and use the saline solution and the dymista nasal spray twice a day. Im not sure which order Im meant to use them in? I was advi

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Jan 01, 2019 12:06 AM 1 Answers General Questions
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I have got rhinitis and use the saline solution and the dymista nasal spray twice a day. Im not sure which order Im meant to use them in? I was advised that the saline solution is first to clear out mucus before using the spray but i find more mucus is flushed out when i use the spray then the solution. Will the treatment still work this way?

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Jan 01, 2019

Please use Sinus Rinse first to clean out your nasal passages, and then use the nasal spray about 20 minutes later. If you were to use the nasal spray first and then the Sinus Rinse, you will essentially be irrigating out the nasal spray as well.

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