I have been using the sinus rinse for about ten days and it does not flow through anymore. Could this be a cold or is it normal – my sinuses are stuf

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Jan 01, 2019 12:22 AM 1 Answers Nasal Congestion
Member Since Feb 2020
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I have been using the sinus rinse for about ten days and it does not flow through anymore. Could this be a cold or is it normal - my sinuses are stuffed up but I dont feel sick - just congested

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

There are many potential causes of congestion without having an infection, such as various types of allergies. From time to time, some people do experience reflex congestion, a very transient condition that occurs with exposure to saline. If symptoms continue, consider using a hypertonic (double strength) solution, or use an over the counter decongestant for a day or two to open up your nasal passages. There should be no need to discontinue ongoing irrigation.

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