I just used your sinus rinse for the first time. I also got a terrible sinus headache. I did shake the solution in the bottle to ensure that it was

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Jan 01, 2019 12:27 AM 1 Answers Directions for use, Cleaning & Disinfecting Irrigation
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I just used your sinus rinse for the first time. I also got a terrible sinus headache. I did shake the solution in the bottle to ensure that it was completely dissolved. Does this only happen the first time? Did I squeeze the bottle too hard? It is quite painful.

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

You should not experience any pain with the Sinus Rinse. You may have used too much force while rinsing. Next time I would recommend you make sure the (distilled, filtered, or previously boiled) water is of lukewarm or body temperature and that you gently squeeze the bottle to rinse, followed by gently blowing your nose.

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