Right after I used the Ready to use neilmeds – my nose feels like it is on fire. It burns terribly. Is there something wrong? I hope this will not cau

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Jan 01, 2019 12:16 AM 1 Answers Surgery on Sinuses and Nasal Passages
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Right after I used the Ready to use neilmeds - my nose feels like it is on fire. It burns terribly. Is there something wrong? I hope this will not cause an infection. I made sure I did not blow to hard after and spit out anything that went back in my throat. I used the entire bottle.

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Jan 01, 2019

The solution could have been too hot if you warmed it up, or not hot enough if you did not warm before use. Since the solution is isotonic, there should not be any burning or stinging experienced. It will not cause an infection.

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