I used sinus rinse – one side of the nostril the fluid came out through the opposite side – but when i switched to the other nostril – the liquid didn

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Jan 01, 2019 12:00 AM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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I used sinus rinse - one side of the nostril the fluid came out through the opposite side - but when i switched to the other nostril - the liquid didnt come out through the nostril - but through the mouth. Why is that? Then after blowing my nose wax came out of one side of my ear - what does it means?

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Jan 01, 2019

It is possible that you did not bend forward as much with one side than the other, which would explain why solution would come out the mouth. As to wax coming out of one side of your ear while blowing your nose, you may have blown your nose too forcefully. Next time I would suggest being more gentle while you blow your nose.

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