I am 58 – have chronic sinusitis symptoms: Post nasal drip which sometimes gets very thick. I can breathe through my nostrils – my hearing is re

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Jan 01, 2019 12:16 AM 1 Answers NeilMed Products
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I am 58 - have chronic sinusitis.symptoms: Post nasal drip which sometimes gets very thick. I can breathe through my nostrils - my hearing is reduced dramatically - cant taste or smell.Is my ear issue something that can be resolved by rinsing my sinuses which I do but not regularly?

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Jan 01, 2019

Sinus rinse is not likely to help wih your hearing. However, Sinus Rinse will help with post nasal drip if used on a consistent, daily basis. Depending on the cause of reduced taste and smell, it may also help with these issues. If your hearing issue is related to excessive ear wax, using Clear Canal Ear Wax Removal system to remove the excess wax may help with the reduced hearing.

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