I used the sinus rinse bottle for the first time four days ago. For the next 24 hrs I had a very salty post nasal drip and a salt irritated throat.

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Jan 01, 2019 12:11 AM 1 Answers NeilMed Products
Member Since Feb 2020
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I used the sinus rinse bottle for the first time four days ago. For the next 24 hrs I had a very salty post nasal drip and a salt irritated throat. I used it again and had the same problem. I stopped and now 48 hrs later my post nasal drip is no longer salty and my throat is mostly recovered.What can I do about this?

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Jan 01, 2019

It seems as though more solution than normal went down the back of your throat while you rinsed. While this is considered harmless, it is something to try to avoid. If your head is in the proper position while irrigating (bent forward to a comfortable level, over the sink; please refer to the brochure or our website for detailed instructions and video) the chances of solution reaching the back of your throat are very small.

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