I am going on vacation and will not be able to access distilled or boiled water for the sinus rinse bottle. Last time I went on vacation without using

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Jan 01, 2019 12:21 AM 1 Answers General Questions
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I am going on vacation and will not be able to access distilled or boiled water for the sinus rinse bottle. Last time I went on vacation without using the sinus rinse - my allergies were so bad. Not surprisingly - I got an infection. Can you suggest any other products that I can use during vacation in place of the sinus rinse?

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

We have Ready Rinse bottle that comes with a premixed solution, so you know that the water is safe. We also have NasaMist All-in-One that provides both a Large Volume Low Pressure rinse as well as a gentle mist for moisturization. Another alternative is our Nasadrops On the Go, which are small 15 mL sterile saline vials. While they do not provide a large volume of solution, they can be used at any time and carried around with you throughout the day. These can be purchased in many national chain pharmacies, ordered online www.neilmed.com, or you may order through us at 1-877-477-8633. The Nasadrops can only be purchased through us or other online retailers.

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