I used to be able to get the Neilmed in tubular packets which are much easier to use (open and pour into the bottle) than the flat packets that I can

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Jan 01, 2019 12:26 AM 1 Answers Electrical Pulsating Irrigator
Member Since Feb 2020
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I used to be able to get the Neilmed in tubular packets which are much easier to use (open and pour into the bottle) than the flat packets that I can only appear to get now. Why do you not offer the tubular packet? Or - are they available somewhere near where I am. Zip code 85755.Thank you.

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Jan 01, 2019

I apologize that you have not been able to find the tubular packets. We are now producing only tubular packets, but there are still some of the square packets out on the market. However, if you go to WalMart, you will be guaranteed to find the tubular packets. You can also try picking up the 100 ct. refill box, gently shake, and if you hear two large boxes inside it will be the tubular packets. If you just hear packets ruffling inside, they are the square packets. I hope this helps. I apologize that you have not been able to find the tubular packets. We are now producing only tubular packets, but there are still some of the square packets out on the market. However, if you go to WalMart, you will be guaranteed to find the tubular packets. You can also try picking up the 100 ct. refill box, gently shake, and if you hear two large boxes inside it will be the tubular packets. If you just hear packets ruffling inside, they are the square packets. I hope this helps.

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