How accurate is the 240 ml. 8 oz. mark on your Sinus Rinse plastic bottle? When I fill the bottle to that mark and pour the water into a Pyrex measur

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Dec 31, 2018 11:59 PM 1 Answers Headache, Hypertension, Blood Pressure, Heart Disease
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How accurate is the 240 ml. 8 oz. mark on your Sinus Rinse plastic bottle?When I fill the bottle to that mark and pour the water into a Pyrexmeasuring cup - it measures 225 ml. It also measures short of 240 my Good Grips measuring cup. Since these measuring cups are bothmade by major manufacturers - I have to think they are accurate.Renee Steinig

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Jan 01, 2019

You are correct in your observation. The formula does allow for the same results or outcome. The bottle starts curving and one cannot do the printing once it starts curving. We can easily emboss but the inside of the bottle will have a dip and can potentially be difficult to clean. Please call me if you have any questions.

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