I have used Naso Gel for a couple of years. Recently purchased a new bottle from CVS. When I opened the product I unscrewed the cap and noticed the fl

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Jan 01, 2019 12:10 AM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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I have used Naso Gel for a couple of years. Recently purchased a new bottle from CVS. When I opened the product I unscrewed the cap and noticed the fluid was yellow and cloudy. In the past it has always appeared clear. Also - I thought I remembered a plastic wrapper around the pump and bottle which was not on this one. The box was sealed. I did not use the product. Please advise if it is defective. Lot # on the box: NGS259 EXP2015-03

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

If the product got overheated in the transportation during the trucking, it can do that. Please call the office and we can replace at no cost to you. 1 707 525 3784. We have checked the product for any manufactruing problem and there is nothing wrong with the product itself. Thank you.

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