I am a permanent laryngectomee for life. I use the All in one NasalMist. It is impossible to blow my nose. At times – I can get a very light burp like

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Jan 01, 2019 12:10 AM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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I am a permanent laryngectomee for life. I use the All in one NasalMist. It is impossible to blow my nose. At times - I can get a very light burp like exhale through my nose as if I were trying esophageal speech - but it is not enough to clear my nose. I would like to start using the Pulsating nasal wash as it is much more economical. Can I use it

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Jan 01, 2019

It is certainly worth trying. I suggest that if there are no physical limitations, you try and take the advantage of the gravity. After the irrigation, take various positions in the bed or on the sofa without handle so your head goes down or sideways, etc. Evaluate and see if the solution drains better. Please let me know.

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