After using the NeilMed Sinus Rinse two times I noticed my nose itched severly and felt like I had an allergic reaction in my nose. My nose was red a

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Jan 01, 2019 12:04 AM 1 Answers Sinus, Chronic Sinusitis, Chronic Rhinosinusitis or CRS
Member Since Feb 2020
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After using the NeilMed Sinus Rinse two times I noticed my nose itched severly and felt like I had an allergic reaction in my nose. My nose was red and blotchy outside and itched. I could also tell my nose was swollen on the inside. Now a week later I feel like the whole inside of my nose is a scab and very sore. Is there anyway these symptoms could be related to using this product? I have not used it but those two times and as sore as my nose is I am afraid to try it again.

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Nacl and NaHCO3 are physiologic. If there is any connection to plastic, it will be very difficult to diagnose. I suggest to try our Porcelain NetiPot. Please also obtain a new set of packets and we will be happy to provide complementary. Please call our office.

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