May i know of any cure for nasosinusitis? I have been suffering from this problem for ~10 years after inhaling some terrible toilet cleaning detergen

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Jan 01, 2019 12:26 AM 1 Answers Allergy, Cold & Flu
Member Since Feb 2020
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May i know of any cure for nasosinusitis? I have been suffering from this problem for ~10 years after inhaling some terrible toilet cleaning detergents. Nowaday s -i catch a flu virus very easily and it takes a long time to recover. This is affecting my daily activites s i feel sleepy easily and my memory is not as good. Please adv. Thankyou.

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Unless there is a single specific cause, the chronic condition never goes away. You need see an ENT specialist for sure. Twice a day rinsing will be a good idea and please quit doing, if it does not help. Chronic conditions of inflammatory nature may lead to chronic fatigue and some other general symptoms.

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