hi dr. Metha i have chronic sinsuitis can not blow my nose at all it hurts ear drums but i have to clear the thick mucus . but do it by not block

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Jan 01, 2019 12:20 AM 1 Answers Headache, Hypertension, Blood Pressure, Heart Disease
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hi dr. Metha i have chronic sinsuitis can not blow my nose at all it hurts ear drums but i have to clear the thick mucus . but do it by not blocking nostrils free blow as it were . I asked pharmasists if theres anything that will make me sneeze they say most people ask for something to stop sneezeing . sneezing can realy clear the nostrils with out hurting ear drums . also someone said if you plug ear you maybe able to blow the nose counteracts the preasure was his theory . i even after errigating i have to pick at it so so thick lick grizzel i did have a nose operation and would like to perform the same operation on the doctor im afraid when i get real old and put in a home i will sufficate from the build up no body will know why .. Poor thing look how blue hes getting just before i go face first into my soup

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

I am sorry to hear about your condition. I strongly feel that you give a try with NeilMed Sinus Rinse three times per day. If you can tolerate, I would use two blue packets in 8-oz. of water. In addition, use NeilMed Nasogel for dry noses three times per day. The goal is to get mucus flowing so your nasal passages and sinus cavities stay clear. Please feel free to contact me. The best time is on Sunday. 707-525-3784

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