I am a cyclist – when I ride hard I get a bad pain near the top of the Maxilla above the eye. Is this a pain that can be treated? Its like the cavity

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Jan 01, 2019 12:15 AM 1 Answers Dizziness
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I am a cyclist - when I ride hard I get a bad pain near the top of the Maxilla above the eye. Is this a pain that can be treated? Its like the cavity is on fire???

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

I am not in expert, but in my best guess it may be related to significant drying of your nasal passages. Maxilla is below the eyeball and frontal sinuses are above the eyeballs. By any chance, are you living in a very dry climate? I suggest to use NeilMed NasoGEL for dry noses two to four sprays in each nostril before cycling, and more if pain during the ride. Please let me know as I am very curious about the outcome. Ketan@neilmed.com

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