Is the Neilmed Sinuflo Ready Rinse safe for me to take being that I am 32 weeks pregant. I have severe congestion and cant sleep at night need somethi

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Jan 01, 2019 12:20 AM 1 Answers Nose Bleed or Dry Nose
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Is the Neilmed Sinuflo Ready Rinse safe for me to take being that I am 32 weeks pregant. I have severe congestion and cant sleep at night need something that will work for me.

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Jan 01, 2019

I suggest that you use NeilMed Sinus Rinse or NeilMed NasaFlo NetiPot. If you feel that you stay congested after the use, please make the solution with two packets and congestion may reduce better. One has to try first regular packet and then if needed to add two blue packets to 8 oz. of water. Please make sure to use the water as specified. I feel that you will feel considerable improvement and the product is safe on use during the pregnancy .

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