two years ago i underwent surgery for a deviated septum and a good cleaning out . i still suffer from CHRONIC jelly like gooey build up some times

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Dec 31, 2018 11:59 PM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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two years ago i underwent surgery for a deviated septum and a good cleaning out . i still suffer from CHRONIC jelly like gooey build up some times mixed with blood i can not blow my nose in the slightest way with out it effecting the ear drums . im now religated to your products nightly . im not verey pleased with the surgery results actully.. im really upset - I wish i never had it done . i also suffer from sleep apnea and have to use a mask if the nose is plugged i have to breath through the mouth yet i have a vaporizer on the machine and yet i can get a parched mouth . your nazogelspray is to thick . i have to use a product called Rhinaris lubricating mist . you might want to look into makeing and such a product . the question is will you be makeing such a product the gel form is too thick you need a lubricateing spray mist .

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Jan 01, 2019

Gel ingredients clog the channels of the pumps so we find it very difficult to produce a gel that can spray. We will continue our efforts. We thought about powder form too but deliveries are not as easy as powder that can hold moisture, tends to cake or becomes solid or gel very easily with any exposure to air. We do not want oil due to risk of Lipoid pneumonia unless one uses very small amount.

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