I have been using the sinus rinse for about a year and a half as needed and I recently purchased a sinugator. That seems to work better than the sque

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Jan 01, 2019 12:20 AM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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I have been using the sinus rinse for about a year and a half as needed and I recently purchased a sinugator. That seems to work better than the squeeze bottle - but Im wondering if either one will cause damage to the sinus passages if used more than once a week. My doctor said they might. I feel like I need to use it more than once a week. Your website says they dont cause damage. What should I do?

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Jan 01, 2019

Essentially for any medical treatment, one individual responds differently than the other. I do not see any contraindication in using the system daily or twice a day based on several hundred thousand feedbacks. The support is more in favor of the nasal irrigation when one feels excess mucus in the nasal passages. You will be able to judge it yourself the benefits and adverse effects.

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