i have had a cronic cough for over 2 yrs and have had all kinds of tests and doctor visits and meds for over 2 yrs. i was told to try the sinus rinse

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Jan 01, 2019 12:09 AM 1 Answers Water Quality and Warnings
Member Since Feb 2020
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i have had a cronic cough for over 2 yrs and have had all kinds of tests and doctor visits and meds for over 2 yrs. i was told to try the sinus rinse. i still have cough with sticky phlemg - but seems not as long as before. i have spent alot of money on doctors who are scratching theirnheads and saying i dont know what else to do. some say copd -some say allergy related some just dont know. i only hope this will help. thank u..

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Rinse at minimum twice a day and let me know in a month.

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