My son has been suffering from post natal drip which causes non stop dry cough . I was told to use the pediatric sinus rinse and I had been using fr a

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Jan 01, 2019 12:25 AM 1 Answers Electrical Pulsating Irrigator
Member Since Feb 2020
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My son has been suffering from post natal drip which causes non stop dry cough . I was told to use the pediatric sinus rinse and I had been using fr about two weeks . Every time I rinse his nose the will be a thick yellowish mucus .Is this normal ? His cough has been reducing but I still continue rinse .How long should I continue using the product.

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Please continue rinsing as it is helping. A question is : does he need antibiotics or green mucus is related to eosinophilia and allergies. Please ask your doctor.

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