I used the clearear canal wash cause it feels like i have ear wax. I know on the box it says not to use if have dizziness or vertigo – which I am figh

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Jan 01, 2019 12:14 AM 1 Answers General Questions
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I used the clearear canal wash cause it feels like i have ear wax. I know on the box it says not to use if have dizziness or vertigo - which I am fighting right now. Was that a bad thing and will it hurt me? Also - the drops I put in seem to still be in there after washing my ear out. Is this normal?

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Jan 01, 2019

Drops should not be there and if they are there, they will clear out. There is no major risk in trying. I do not think that you have done anything wrong. Please stay in touch with your ear doctor. Let us know, how it goes.

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