Does the company have any kind of assistance for someone who has to use the spray mist for the rest of his life who is on disability insurance?

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Jan 01, 2019 12:04 AM 1 Answers Burning, Pain or Discomfort
Member Since Feb 2020
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Does the company have any kind of assistance for someone who has to use the spray mist for the rest of his life who is on disability insurance? My son is 25 years old - with liver disease - deviated spetum and has to keep his nasal passage moist according to the ENT specialist especially after a very bad nose bleed due to the liver disease. OR have you heard of a doctor actually writing a prescription for it? Thank you.

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Jan 01, 2019

Our products are OTC and they are not on prescription. At times,pharmacist my be willing to try and get paid by an insurance company.Please ask your doctor to write a script and see if that works. We do have a product called NasoGel and works well for the moisture as it has sodium hyaluronate that holds the moisture. Please call my office and speak to Amber Hayes and we can see how we can help with assistance.

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