How is your Sinus Rinse different as far as usage goes than using your Neti Pot? I watched the video for the Sinus Rinse and it looks like the same p

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Dec 31, 2018 11:58 PM 1 Answers Solution does not drain from the other side
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How is your Sinus Rinse different as far as usage goes than using your Neti Pot? I watched the video for the Sinus Rinse and it looks like the same principle as the Neti Pot. What am I missing? Basically - BOTH look like theyre going in one nostril and out the other. I just had an appt. with an ENT doctor and told him that I hated using a Neti Pot - so he suggested the Sinus Rinse....both look like they work by the same principle. Please explain.

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Jan 01, 2019

Sinus Rinse works by squeezing the bottle and controlling the force. NetiPot works by gravity method. I suggest that you use what works best for you.

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