I purchased the Sinugator approximately 1 month ago. I noticed that there was an area on the blue cup that dipped down on the brim. I did not realiz

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Dec 31, 2018 11:58 PM 1 Answers Sleep Apnea
Member Since Feb 2020
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I purchased the Sinugator approximately 1 month ago. I noticed that there was an area on the blue cup that dipped down on the brim. I did not realize this was a broken piece until the second area appeared and a piece was left in the bottom of the actual unit. I would really like to continue to use this product - but I am reluctant to buy another one. Will you be offering replacement parts in the future? Thank you for your consideration - Venus.

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Jan 01, 2019

Please call the office in the morning and speak to any of our customer service staff and we will be very happy to replace at no cost.

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