Hi -Dr -My daugter (4yrs old)had 2 ear infection couple of months earlier and she has still fluid in her ears.She is allergic to pollen -dust -and we

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Jan 01, 2019 12:04 AM 1 Answers General Questions
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Hi -Dr -My daugter (4yrs old)had 2 ear infection couple of months earlier and she has still fluid in her ears.She is allergic to pollen -dust -and weed.Can I use Nelimed sinus rinse on her while fluid in her ears?

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

I suggest to use our NasaMist Saline spray with a small aperture or hole tip so the amount of saline will not be large. Once her ear symptoms clear up and if she has symptoms of nasal allergies, you can try pediatric sinus rinse bottle.

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